Sunday, September 4, 2011

ABCs and 4Hs

ABC: Assunta, Betweed, and C???
What a week.  We got back from vacation a week ago Friday and I was so happy to have my scanner and computer so I could crop my tangles before posting.  Then we started school on Monday and have had houseguests since Thursday and haven't had a chance to even tangle, let alone post.

Birdie is watching TV, DH is outside grilling a turkey, and the guests are not expected home for another 45 minutes, so I get a few minutes of computer time.

Here are my latest tangles, from over a week ago!

One was inspired by Birdie's A-B-C tangles and the other I did at her 4H awards ceremony.  I asked after it was over, "Did the ceremony seem shorter and more interesting than last year?"  Apparently, only if one is tangling.

Oops - guests are home early.  Please, someone tell me the name of the 'C' tangle in ABC.  I can't remember and don't have time to look.


  1. Love your ABC tile! The "C" tangle is called CIRQUITAL. Nice how you put it in the Assunta spaces. You can see the how-to in the Zentangle newsletter here:


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